Church of the Cross

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Good Neighbor Fund

The Good Neighbor Fund (GNF) exists to help Church of the Cross (COTC) members practically bless those whom they know have a specific tangible need that the resources of the church might help with. The fund is specifically intended for one-time gifts(including basic needs) related to COTC’s calling as a community of blessing to others, especially those in particular need, in the name of Christ who became poor that we might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9). The hope is that this fund will invite participation from a broad swath of COTC’s members  and give us all eyes to see more clearly those around us in our neighborhoods and city, and connect the life of the church with their needs.

Any member of the COTC community can apply on behalf of individuals in the Austin area whom they know are in need of the blessing of the church. A member of COTC is an individual who regularly participates in the life of COTC in good faith and has attended or intends shortly to attend a membership class. Applications will be sent to the GNF team who will together make the decision, and connect with the applicant regarding the disbursement of any gift. The process of applying is intended to be simple and accessible, while also allowing for intentional, wise, and generous stewarding of this fund. 

If you're a part of the COTC community and would like to apply to the GNF on behalf of someone you know please go ahead and complete the form here. You can expect to hear back shortly from the GNF team who are responsible for stewarding the fund. If you have any questions please contact us.