Church of the Cross

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One of the church’s ancient hymns often sung during Advent is “Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence.” In the words of this haunting hymn from the third century, “Christ our God” is glorified as “king of kings”, and “light of light” — and the mystery of this “Lord of Lords, in human vesture” is celebrated. In response to glory of Jesus and the wonder of his incarnation, “all mortal flesh” is implored to stand in silence focused in praise upon the “Lord Most High.” It is quite the hymn.

Silence is an appropriate first response to the wonder of Jesus Christ but silence is not the end point. Rather, out of silence, as we consider God in Christ and His renewal of all things, come praise, prayer and proclamation. From silence we move into mission, declaring the praises of God in the world.

This Saturday is our Parish Quiet day, where we together still ourselves and become silent in God’s presence. If you can come out for the morning or just a part of the morning, I encourage you to do so. See below for details. Even if you can’t join us, I encourage you to find moments of silence, alone, with Scripture in the presence of God throughout this busy season. And from that silence we, as the church, can then step into praise, prayer and proclamation, responding to the God who meets us. As we pause in silence, I’m excited for what the Lord might do, and for what response to His glory and goodness might be inspired in us through His Spirit.

In Christ,