Church of the Cross

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Gospel Generosity

With it being St. Nicholas Day this week, I read St. Nicholas and The Nine Gold Coins with my kids. It’s a wonderful story with amazing illustrations! The story was most powerful for how Nicholas’ generosity is rooted in His knowledge of God. At one point, Nicholas specifically gives out of his inheritance because of Christ’s admonish “not to worry” (Matthew 6:34) and his conviction that Jesus is in control of his future. Jesus’ Lordship and teaching form the basis of St. Nicholas’ generosity.

The Christmas emphasis upon generosity is similarly based upon God’s goodness and faithfulness. Because God has given His Son to us and for us, we can live in the confidence of His abundant goodness and follow his example of radical generosity. We are able to be generous, knowing that we don’t suffer from scarcity. We give gifts, knowing that we have received so much from a loving Father. Might this knowledge and the example of St. Nicholas inspire us this season, and always, in generosity.

One of the ways we are seeking to press into generosity is with our “Good Neighbor Fund”. This fund is budgeted to help our community bless our neighbors in times of tangible need. Check out more information here and please apply on behalf of those you know who are in need.

Thanks for reading. I’m praying for you this Advent season.

P.S.: 2016 is nearly at an end. This is quick reminder that all 2016 financial contributions to COTC must be made by or postmarked for Saturday, Dec. 31. Checks can be given during the offering on Sunday or mailed to our PO Box. Online contributions can be made here.

P.P.S: As 2016 comes to a close, we are already planning for the year to come. Be sure to check out the announcements below for information on community events in January, including a women’s retreat and an opportunity to press further into Anglicanism and spiritual formation.