Church of the Cross

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“…how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.” – Luke 11:13
If you’re anything like me, these middle weeks of Lent can be a drag. I’m tempted to modify things to make a certain discipline or practice a little less onerous, or to drop something altogether. At this point in Lent, I think I can even be disoriented about why I took up or gave up a practice in the first place.
These sensations are all a part of being in the wilderness, of coming to the end of ourselves. The season of Lent exposes me to my own weakness and failings, and reminds of my need for God and for his mercy. The disciplines of Lent can help us to recall that God is our provider and to remind ourselves that we find full rest and satisfaction in Him alone. They shape us in hunger for His presence. As we pass through Lent, these disciplines help to shape our hearts and souls in dependence upon God, and sharpen our allegiance to Him.
As we go on our Lenten journey, I’m praying that we would know of God’s great love for us—of His ability to generously provide for us, even—and be shaped as a people who hunger for the life of God. I’m also praying that you are blessed with full and life-giving feast days each Sunday!
In dependence on Him,

The purple veils covering the crosses during Lent are a sign of Christ's hidden glory as we approach Easter and a sign of grief at His death on the cross.