Church of the Cross

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It was a joy to celebrate the resurrection with you this past Sunday! After the season of Lent, it was a relief to sing with abandon, to shout “Alleluia,” and to see the cross unveiled. Be sure to check out the pictures on our Facebook page if you haven’t already seen them. Thank you to everyone who served to make it a hospitable, kid-friendly and joyful day!
As we mentioned on Sunday, Easter marks such a momentous moment that we spend approximately the next 50 days in the life of the church reflecting and celebrating it. Much as we took on disciplines of abstinence in Lent, might we take on disciplines of joy and celebration this season as we consider the goodness and might of God? What could that look like in your life?
This Eastertide, we’re doing a couple of specific things in light of the resurrection:

Baptisms: On Sunday, April 24, we’ll be doing the first baptism(s) at COTC. If you’re interested in learning more, check out the announcement below. I’m so excited to do this for the first time together and to celebrate God’s faithfulness together!

“A Hopeful End” Sermon Series: Through Eastertide, we will be looking at texts from the last book of the Bible. Revelation is one of the most misunderstood texts in Scripture, but it also speaks powerfully to what it means to follow Jesus in light of the resurrection in the midst of difficult times. I hope you can join us.

Alpha: Beginning this Sunday evening, we’re running the Alpha course. If you’re interested in participating or learning more, check out the video of Jackson’s story at the top of this email and see the announcements information below. Alpha is a perfect way to wrestle with the real questions of life and faith, and to connect with others in meaningful friendships. It’s not too late to participate!

Alleluia! He is risen indeed!

We had a lively Easter egg hunt to celebrate the resurrection!