Church of the Cross

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Together In The Life Of God

Each week at COTC we celebrate the reality of God’s offering of his life for the good of the world. In the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, God has made a way for our flourishing — for life with Him.

This is not a life that is meant to be lived alone. The Gospel is never less than personal good news, but it is more than just personal good news. God is making a people for himself, a people that share in his life and in his mission of extending that life to others for their flourishing.

One of the ways we seek to live into this communal reality —into the life we share together in Christ — is through our Neighborhood Groups. These groups are a mid-week space in which we can share in the life of God and grow in his grace. This happens through studying of Scripture, sharing of meals, praying for another and building our relationships. In the weekly rhythm of gathering in Christ’s name, God is at work.

I love that groups are one of the ways we express our identity as God’s people. Groups are beginning again in these weeks. If you’re already a part of a group, be sure to keep an eye out for emails about yours starting up again. If you’ve not yet joined a group, I encourage you to check them out online or on the back of our weekly bulletin to get in on the fun!

In Christ,