Church of the Cross

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The Global and Local Church

As I mentioned last week, this week the ACNA assembly is taking place in Wheaton, Illinois. While the focus of this gathering is on local mission, the gathering itself is very much a reflection of the church’s global character as members and leaders from across North America and around the globe are all worshipping and learning together. As a local expression of Christ’s global body we can rejoice in being a part of this larger, visible communion! 

While members of our community are in Wheaton at this larger gathering, this week has also seen the local nature of our community expressed, through different informal gatherings, through your various vocations expressed throughout Austin, and in particular through this week’s children’s Vacation Bible School (VBS). 

Our first VBS this week has been really wonderful! Over twenty kids from within COTC and the community beyond have been learning about and celebrating God’s creation through the A Rocha curriculum “Wildly Wonderful”. It has been a delight to see these children grow in relationship with one another, enjoy one another, and learn more about God’s wondrous creation. I want to say a special thank you to all the volunteers who have served to make this week possible.

The main Scripture for this week has been Psalm 104:24 “O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom have you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”  May we all grow in a love for and appreciation of God’s wondrous creation. 

It has also been a delight to see the Parish House being used this past month, both within our community and beyond. Just in the past few weeks the house has been used for women’s and men’s gatherings, the VBS, and by East Austin Young Life. 

Finally, I hope you’ve been able to pick up your copy of The Practice of the Presence of God over these past Sundays. It seems as the though the translation we’ve had available has even more antiquated prose than we warned, my apologies! If you are having too much trouble with this particular version you might check out this copy. The content is worth it, as it provides insight into an ongoing conversation and participation with the Holy Spirit in ordinary life.

Grace and peace,
