Church of the Cross

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Help With Harvey

Hi Church,

As we are beginning our journey through Genesis the continued events in Houston this week have been a stark reminder of the “watery chaos” over which the Spirit of God hovers in Genesis 1:2. The footage and news have been heartbreaking. 

Following up on the special enews earlier this week, I wanted to highlight a couple of further opportunities to practically help.

Earlier this week, on behalf of COTC, Keri McDonald, took several hundred dollars worth of emergency supplies to the Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) for delivery to Houston. This was a small way that our church was able to respond to the many basic needs of those who are displaced and suffering because of Harvey. If you’d like to contribute to cost of these supplies, or further purchases of supplies, any cash including in the offering this coming Sunday will be put toward this purpose specifically. Additionally, you can write a check with “Hurricane Harvey” in the memo line to contribute. 

Another simple way to give, specifically in support of college students and their families in the Houston area, is through Intervarsity’s Venmo account “@redriverdonate”. 

I know that several COTCers are planning to attend the ADRN training tonight. Please note that the orientation will be at a new venue, training will now be at Glad Tidings Church, at 2700 Northland Dr. A second meeting on Tuesday, September 5th, has also been scheduled. 

Through our connections with an Anglican church in Houston we have an opportunity to send a team down to help with recovery and relief shortly, specifically with immigrant and refugee populations. If you’re interest in participation please email Paul. Finally, if you know of someone displaced by the hurricane and in need of short-term housing here in the Austin area please also let Paul know. 

As this situation develops I’m sure there will be further opportunities to respond with generosity. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer thus far. May God’s goodness and faithfulness be revealed in and through the church in the midst of so much suffering and tragedy. 

Grace and peace, 


Ps. An ACNA priest who served in a parish in New Orleans during after Katrina had these reflections to share.