Church of the Cross

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A Time to Celebrate and Dream A Little

Hi Church! 

Coming up on Sunday, October 8th, we’re holding a all-church meeting. This is a gathering for everyone in the COTC community, official members or not. If you consider yourself a part of the family at COTC, I encourage you to stick around following the service. 

This will be our third such meeting. We are approaching two years since we began worshipping together and in addition to going over some regular household business, like an update on the church’s finances and budget, we are going to take some time to pause to celebrate what God has done and dream a little about what He might do in the future. To create some space for this kind of conversation we’re going to provide lunch and childcare will be available. 

To prepare for this conversation, please take some time in the next week and a bit to think a little about why it is that you’ve landed at COTC as a community. In what ways have you tasted of God’s goodness and grace here? As well, you might look at our vision and values. In what ways do you see these expressed? In what ways to do hope and dream for more in our life together as an embassy of God’s kingdom? 

I’m excited about what God is continuing to do in our life together and am grateful for your place in the community of COTC. I hope you can join us on October 8th. 

With you in Christ,


Ps. We had a wonderful time at our Lunch and Learn last week, growing in personal awareness around our ethnic heritages and the Gospel. Joe Ho, who lead our time, identified personal awareness as one component of gaining cultural competency and growing in awareness and engagement with God’s mission in the area of multi-ethnicity. Another of the four components is historical knowledge. Related to this component, our sending church, Christ Church of Austin, is hosting a talk on Saturday, October 7th, related to the history of race in East Austin. I encourage you to check it out and be there if you can! 

Pps. As an Anglican community we are a people seeking to be rooted in Scripture. This week I read this helpful article by an ACNA priest on ways to deepen our engagement with Scripture. It’s got a lot of practical and gracious wisdom.