Church of the Cross

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An Opportunity to Help: Melissa Ramirez

Hi Church! 

As was mentioned on Sunday we have an opportunity to contribute to a tangible need beyond on our church. Through a connection within our community to the family of Melissa Ramirez, one of the murder victims from Laredo killed this past month, we have been made aware of a financial need for the burial of Melissa's cremated remains. 

We have spoken often in a variety of contexts about our desire to be a church that exists for and blesses others, helping the Ramirez family with this need is a basic way that we can live out this desire. This GoFundMe page has been set up for their needs. Three thousand dollars are needed for the burial costs, anything over that amount will be given to the family and their needs. 

You can read more about the family and Melissa here. Please also join me in praying for them, and for Jesus to reveal himself, in all his grace and peace, to them during this time. I'm grateful we have this opportunity to act as the hands of Christ in this way. 

Grace and peace, 
