Church of the Cross

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Full Weeks

Hi Church! 

With the mid-term elections of this past week still echoing in our public discourse, there is discussion of the transfer of power and governance, from one candidate and one party to another. We exist in the midst of another, more cosmic, transition of power, all things coming under the reign and rule of Jesus. This reality, the kingship of Jesus, is what the church celebrates on Christ the King Sunday, this year on November 25th. Christ the King Sunday is the culminating moment of the church calendar, pointing us to the climactic moment of all history, and these weeks in the church's worship are intended to lead us into it. These weeks are also quite full in the life of our parish! 

This Sunday following worship will be having a church meeting to discuss our possible property purchase in the Windsor Park area. This meeting is another significant step in this process and in our life as a community. I am excited to have the opportunity to communicate how God has brought us to this point, the potential for our future as Gospel proclaiming and embodying community, and the next steps. There will also be time for question and answer.  Please make every effort to stay after worship and participate in the meeting. 

This Sunday we will also have a sermon on the Christian vision of the body and human sexuality. This vision is good news for us all, and I am excited for us to consider it together. I wanted to give everyone a heads up, especially the parents of children who might sit in through the sermon, as the sermon may prompt questions and discussion afterward. This sermon will be a lead up to the Lunch and Learn on the 18th, for which you can sign up below. 

Also, this weekend and next the Parish House will be a destination in the East Austin Studio Tour, with Amy Bailey, Meena Matocha, and Gina Butler all displaying work, while Krista Vossler will be performing a concert on Saturday. Check it out and bring a friend by! 

Next week on Tuesday evening we’ll be having a discussion about practices for following the liturgical calendar in our homes. There are lots of creative ways to engage in the great gift of the church calendar and this is a great time to learn and share resources. 

Lastly, next Sunday, the 18th, in anticipation of Christ the King Sunday on the 25th we’ll have a specific time of lament during the service, bringing before the Lord those areas of our lives and his creation where we experience the “not yet” of God’s kingdom and long for more of his reign and rule. 

There is much going on in the life of our parish. In the midst of it all, and the busyness of your own lives, I’m praying for moments of rest and wonder at God’s goodness and grace for us all. 

In Christ,
