Church of the Cross

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A Holy Lent

Next Wednesday the season of Lent begins. For our church this season has particular resonance, as this season is very much about following Jesus on the way of the cross. Much like interval training, during which any athlete will exert themselves with a particular focus and intensity, in this season the church centers itself upon Christ’s sacrificial journey and intentionally engages in practices that shape us in the same pattern and way of life. 

The season begins with our Ash Wednesday service on the 14th. Jointly with the people of Christ Church we will gather at the Phillips Event Center to be reminded of the reality that “from dust we came and to dust we shall return,” and that our days our lived out before a Holy God to whom all must give an answer. Then, through this seven week season our worship together will touch on themes related to the way of the cross. You’ll notice some different prayers, opportunities for silence, and uses of art related to this focus. Additionally, through the season we will have weekly opportunities for stillness and prayer with Compline Services offered every Sundayevening at the Parish House. Finally, on Ash Wednesday and the first Sundays of Lent we will have copies of the book Humble Roots available for each household. I encourage you pick one up. The book is centered on how the virtue of humility leads to peace in our lives.

In addition to these corporate exercises, many of us will take up personal practices of fasting, generosity, rest, and stillness over these fifty days. These disciplines are intended to help shape and form us in the way of Jesus, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit. 

The day just before Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent is known as Shrove Tuesday. It was common practice in many Christian households to use up their eggs, milk, and sugar,  foods commonly given up for Lent. One way of using up these foods was by making a pancake dinner Tuesday night, and that tradition has persisted in many homes, with friends and neighbors gathering to feast, each contributing a topping or breakfast side as way of marking the transition into the Lenten season. This is a perfect use of Kerbey Lane mix and an opportunity to invite friends or neighbors to share a meal! I hope you have a chance to feast together. 

In Christ,
