Church of the Cross

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Holy Week Happenings

Blest tree, whose chosen branches bore
the wealth that did the world restore, 
the price which none but He could pay
to rob the Spoiler of his prey... 
Still may thy power with us avail to save us sinners from our sin, 
God's righteousness for all to win. 

 - Fortunatus

Today is Wednesday. On the one hand it is a normal mid-week moment; quite ordinary and filled with our daily and weekly routines. Yet in the context of the church’s time we are very near holy ground. We are very near the climactic and decisive moment of all history. 

More than an other event, the drama of this week is the most significant for us. Jesus’ identity as the king who brings peace (celebrated on Palm Sunday), as the one who gives us a new mandate to love one another (marked on Maundy Thursday), who gives of himself to death upon cross (remembered on Good Friday), and who has trampled down death by death, rising to new life (joyful proclaimed on Easter Sunday) are together the fundamental realities that make the church what it is. What we mark, remember, and celebrate this week changes lives and the entire world. 

To aid us in entering into these momentous moments there are a number of events to participate in over these next few days: 

  • Tomorrow evening at 7pm at the Phillips Event Center, we will have a Tenebrae Service forMaundy Thursday. Through the use of candles and shadow, in readings and song, we will commemorate how Jesus, the light of the world has overcome the darkness of the world. The evening ends in silence and with the “stripping of the altar”, a stark reminder of the great cost of Jesus’ sacrifice. Sign up for childcare (0 to age 5) here. Traditionally, Maundy Thursday is a day of fasting. 
  • On Good Friday, also at 7pm, but at the Texas Federation of Women’s Clubs we will again gather with our sisters and brothers at Christ Church to be reminded of all that Jesus accomplished for us on the cross, through the lens of seven people, sharing out of their own experiences of suffering and loss. These raw stories of Christ’s redemptive power and presence powerfully minister to us. See about parking for the TexFed here, and sign up for childcare (0 to 5th grade) here. Plan to arrive early! Traditionally Good Friday is a day of fasting. 
  • In Holy Week, Holy Saturday is about stillness and quiet reflection upon what God has done. There are no church events this day, but we have the opportunity in our own homes to consider and meditate upon Christ’s descent to the dead, and our waiting upon him.
  • Resurrection Sunday is the crescendo of this week. We will mark Jesus’ great victory in our worship at 10am. Don’t forget to bring fresh flowers to contribute to the “flowering of the cross.” This is a great service to invite friends or neighbors, especially those without a church home. 
  • In addition to Eucharist at 10am, from 6am to around 9am on Sunday you can come by the Parish House a sunrise vigil of prayer. Breakfast tacos and coffee will be provided. All are welcome! 
  • Lastly, on Sunday evening, back at the Parish House at 7:30 join us for Compline. After Lent this will be our first time to pray “Alleluia!” in this service. Light refreshments will be available for this time of contemplative prayer.

I hope you can join us for some or even all of these events. Let us draw near to the cross in wonder and joy together.
