Church of the Cross

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Why We Eat Together

This Sunday, as we mark the beginning of a new and full season together, we’ll be having another church potluck. Following the service we’ll gather for brisket, and sides and desserts we’ve all contributed. It’s a grand party, be sure to bring something to share! 

This potluck follows after our Share the Table gatherings earlier this summer, and a series of potlucks and meals together throughout our history. Perhaps that prompts the question, why do we eat together so often? 

Within Scripture, From the stories of creation and Israel’s own experience in the wilderness through to Jesus's own life and God’s consummation of all things food, meals, and feasting play a prominent role. As we recently saw in John chapter 6, Jesus's understands his own life in terms of bread and sustenance for those who come to Him in faith. Of course, a meal, the Lord’s Supper, is at the very center of our worship. In contemporary life, our meals and food are at the nexus of so much; justice, sustainability, community, generosity and even art and creativity are at play in our eating. Meals are important.

They are often a place of reconciliation and generosity. A place where outsiders are welcomed in and relationships deepened. These realities are a reflection of what we share at the Lord’s table each Sunday, and a foretaste of the wedding feast we long for as the bride of Christ. These are the reasons why we eat together so often; there’s something profound and blessed in contributing to and sharing meals together. So this Sunday bring you side or dessert, invite a friend, and take your seat at the table! 

Looking forward to the feast with you,


Ps. Taylor Ishii, a friend who is a priest, wrote this wonderful reflection on the Lord’s Supper and his experiences as an Asian-American, specifically related to food. The reflection is part of the the Anglican Multi-Ethnic Network site, check it out!