Church of the Cross

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The Local Church


The local church, with all its foibles and mundane aspects, is primary and fundamental to the expansion of God's kingdom on earth. That conviction is very much a significant part of why I am a priest. I believe the local church exists to be a sign and instrument of God's gracious, peaceful, and just rule on earth, brought near through Jesus. The church is not the kingdom, but it is instrumental to the work of the kingdom today. In a profound way, at its best, the church is where the action is.

This grand perspective is not to deny the everyday realities of church life, for it is in the midst of the everyday that God is working. God's kingdom is like the mustard seed that grows to be a great tree, or the yeast in dough, often growing and working its way to fruition in often unseen or easy to miss ways. 

Following worship this Sunday we will have our Parish Meeting. There is something everyday and ordinary about the church meeting as an institution in this setting. There will be a budget presented and reports on our location, etc. Encompassing these things, however is the reality of the church as a foretaste of God's coming kingdom, a reality of which we as COTC partake and bear witness. I hope you can join us as we celebrate, discuss, and anticipate God's continued working in our midst. Lunch and childcare are provided for the meeting.

In addition to some of the business mentioned above, we will be voting to fill one spot on our Parish Council. I'm excited that the council has nominated Karen Walker to take this role. Karen and her family have been faithfully a part of our community for nearly the past two years at COTC. Karen is pray-er and servant, and a creative and thoughtful disciple of Jesus. I am excited for how her gifts will contribute to the council's leadership. Please read a short bio by Karen here

In Christ, 
