Holy Week Update #1
Hi Church!
This is the first of two Holy Week enews we’ll be sending this week, so I’ll keep this brief. I simply wanted to highlight a couple of resources that might help you to engage with the Lord, and to help us prep for our Triduum services.
Check out these virtual Stations of the Cross put together by our diocese. The Stations of the Cross are an ancient way to journey with Jesus through images and words. I hope this is a blessing to you. You might listen to the music of Liturgical Folk or Poor Bishop Hooper as you move through the stations.
During these weeks, and even this Easter, we are refraining from physical taking the Eucharist. This is obviously related to social distancing and the love of our neighbor, but it also rich spiritual meaning and benefit for us. In refraining we cultivate a longing and hunger for Jesus. If you're curious, check out these descriptions on spiritual communion.
Good Friday is traditionally a day of fasting and prayer for Christians. This year our Archbishop, in conjunction with some other Christian traditions, has called for a day of fasting and praying specifically around the Covid pandemic. Take a few minutes to think and plan how you might participate with Christians around the world in this.
On Holy Saturday we'll be setting out the cross we usually flower on Easter Sunday at the Parish House, greened and at least partially flowered, as public testimony to the hope we have in Jesus. If you happen to be driving by take a photo and share it, if you'd like to put a flower in we'll have some hand sanitizer and a few flowers from the Parish House there as well.
A quick reminder, we will be gathering online at 6pm on Maundy Thursday (reach out to Nick or I if you’d like participate in an online meal gathering), 7:30pm on Good Friday, and 10am on Easter Sunday. All services will be streamed here (check out my intense look in the thumbnail from today's Morning Prayer!). Invite others to celebrate the might acts of God with us!
Finally, thank you to so many of you for your generosity to the Good Neighbor Fund. I wanted to highlight the fund again for any who are in financial need during this time. You can apply on your own behalf as well as on behalf of anyone you know with a need.
On the way of the cross with you,