Church of the Cross

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Waiting and Stillness on Holy Saturday

It is Holy Saturday. A day of stillness and waiting. In Holy Week this is the day where nothing happens, there is seemingly no forward momentum. Jesus is in the tomb. The horror and beauty of Good Friday have passed. The joy of the resurrection has yet to come. 

This year, with our shelter-in-place orders, this day is especially poignant. We are stuck in place, waiting for we don't know how long. In that position, frustration and boredom are natural reactions. We are tempted to push and rail against the limitations, the waiting.

Holy Saturday offers us a different way forward. This day is a reminder that when it seams all is still, God is still at work. When it all seems ossified at the worst possible moment, in the worst possible way, the kingdom of heaven is coming to fruition. In often imperceptible ways God is patiently but inexorably working to make His kingdom come. Even in quiet of a tomb God's new creation is taking root. Resurrection Sunday follows Holy Saturday, inevitably. 

In the stasis of these days and weeks I am praying that you would have a sense of God moving things forward. In Christ these long and sometimes lonely days each are holy too. I pray that even as we chafe against the restrictions of this time, we would have an awareness of how God is working in them for our good and for His glorious purposes. In the fifty days of Eastertide I'm especially praying that we would catch glimpses of God's working, such that our joy would increase. Sunday is coming! 

Waiting with you,
