Church of the Cross

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To Be A Living Fire

This coming Sunday is Trinity Sunday. Rather than an esoteric add on, the revelation of God as Father, Son, and Spirit is at the very core of our faith.

Joe Ho will be preaching in our live stream this Sunday. This was scheduled long before the events of this past week, but it’s well-timed that Joe, who has been a guide for our community in matters related to race and life in God’s kingdom, would be speaking with us now. The life of the Trinity has implications for the injustice and the response we see playing out today. We’ll also be praying the prayers of lament from our Zoom meeting this past Wednesday.

I want to again commend a few resources as we continue to listen and discern the Lord’s leading. This series of pieces from Christianity Today is really helpful. It features Esau McCaulley again. I am convinced that he is being uniquely anointed by God to speak to the church in this time. Join me in praying for him. Listen to and read what he is saying.

As well, David Taylor co-authored this article with David Bailey of Arrabon and Urban Doxology regarding the psalms and anger. Scripture gives us a space and script to name and respond to injustice. Two books that have been helpful to me in the past are Divided by Faith (somewhat dated, but still good) and The Color of CompromiseDave Moore, a member at COTC, interviewed author Jemar Tisby a while back. Some at COTC have also had the opportunity to engage with the materials of Be the Bridge as well. 

There are a myriad of ways to remain engaged, to listen and learn, and these are just a few. My general encouragement to you is, in submission to God's Spirit and Word and with community, continue the engagement that the Lord has stirred up among us in these last few days. As you do so my prayer is that you will continue secure in the knowledge of God's grace for you and presence with you. If you need to talk in this time please don't hesitate to reach out to Nick or I. 

The title for this e-news comes from this song, one that has been on repeat for me since Sunday. By the grace of the Father, Jesus' death, resurrection and ascension, and the outpouring at Pentecost we can be set ablaze with the Spirit, the very love of God that binds the three persons of the godhead together. Love that is neither cheap nor weak, but strong, purifying, wholly just, and triumphant. This is the love we share in, the love we are called to embody together, and the love that compels the faithful and humble pursuit of justice. In all things, let this be our one desire. 

With you in His holy love, 