Church of the Cross

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A Warm Bowl of Chili, Three Chords, and the Truth

The phrase “three chords and the truth” has come to refer to what certain musicians regard as the basic musical necessities. They’re all that Harlan Howard, Ry Cooder, or Van Morrison need to write a song. And we all know that chili is a Texas staple.

This Sunday, I know definitively that you’ll find two of those three essential elements at church. A basic conviction of the Christian faith is that truth is understood to be a person. Jesus is the Truth that can be met in the the Gospel, proclaimed through Word and Sacrament. We’ll also have three chords and more in the various Advent songs of hope and longing that we’ll sing together as we wait in expectation of God’s kingdom.  

I’m fairly confident that you’ll find chili, but that’s somewhat up to you! Whether it’s Texas, fancy, or freestyle, register to bring a crockpot to enter into the competition. Prizes and pride are on the line here! Bragging rights for a full year! Just like a musician need a red guitar, we need your chili, or your cornbread or side, and you need to register. Invite a friend too! 

While you’re in the mood to sign up for things, I also want to encourage to you register for our upcoming Lunch and Learn on December 12th. As I said on Sunday, Fr. Jonathan Warren Pagán will be teaching on the authority of Scripture and Anglicanism, outlining how it is that we are guided by the Bible and engage the Lord through it. In addition to a short time of teaching, there will be ample opportunity for Q & A, and Fr. Jonathan will lead us in a time of lectio divina

Lastly, this Sunday we’ll be making a major announcement with regard to COTC’s home for worship and life. Related to this news, we’ll be having an informational meeting on Zoom the evening of Thursday, December 9th, and a Parish Meeting on Sunday, December 19th following worship. If you’re member of COTC or consider it to be your church home we strongly encourage you to attend and participate in these meetings. 

In Christ, 
