Church of the Cross

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Celebrating & Remembering

This Sunday will be a busy day for COTC.  

We will celebrate the Feast of All Saints. All Saints Day is a day of remembering those who suffered for the sake of Christ. This feast day encourages us to not only give thanks to saints that have gone before us, but to also reflect on and give thanks for the saints in our own lives that have played a role in our faith. As has been tradition at COTC, we'll also have a few people dressed up as saints visiting The Garden and kids are encouraged to dress up as their favorite saints. 

We also have the privilege of celebrating 10 baptisms on Sunday! It's a joy to celebrate the sacrament of baptism as a church family. When we celebrate the baptism of others, it is also a time of remembering our own baptism. As Sunday approaches, we invite you to pray for the 10 individuals being baptized.

Additionally, this Sunday will mark the end of the public phase of our "Thanks Be to God Campaign." We'll celebrate this after service along with baptisms and All Saints Day by eating tacos + tres leches cake, and enjoying time together. We hope you'll stay after service to join in the fun. 

A few details to be aware of for Sunday:

1. Baptisms- We are switching things up a bit and doing baptisms inside. This will allow people to see and hear better and it means less transition as we won't have to move outside in the middle of the service. We'll also have the baptismal liturgy on slides, rather than a printed insert.

2. TBTG Campaign- With the public phase of our "Thanks Be To God" campaign ending on Sunday, be sure to complete anonline commitment card  or bring a card to church Sunday. During service, there will be an opportunity to bring your commitments cards up to the altar as an offering. We'll have commitment cards available on Sunday. 

If you haven't had a chance to read the TBTG email that came out earlier, this week, you can refer back to it for all of the details or check out the resources listed below. In your discernment please do use the devotional created as well as this detail brochure

3. Setup and Cleanup for Celebration- We'll need a bit of help setting things up for the celebration after service and with cleanup. If you are able to help with table and chair setup, COTC staff will be by the large closet in the front of the sanctuary after service, to direct the setting up of tables and chairs. If you're able to stay to cleanup after, email Kimberly

The peace of Christ,


Ps.-- There's an opportunity tomorrow to collectively conclude the TBTG season in prayer. We'll be meeting at the church building at 10am on 11/5 to pray and do some basic trash pick up in areas around the building. We'd love for you to join us.