Church of the Cross

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We Give Thanks

Thanksgiving as a day is complicated. The day itself is also not a part of the church calendar. Yet the practice of giving thanks is central to the Christian life. Each week, Christians gather for the thanksgiving that is the Eucharist, a grateful celebration of Jesus' sacrificial victory on the cross. We as the gathered people of God, mark the start of each week by giving thanks for the forgiveness of sins, for freedom from the powers of death, and the reality of God's kingdom come near. The world-transforming nature of these gifts cause us to say it is "right, always, and everywhere to give Him thanks."

As I reflect on our life together at COTC, there a many things for which I feel compelled to give thanks. I'm grateful for the group of people (you included!) that God has called together to share in what He is doing. I'm grateful for a gifted and committed staff team that works to serve our community. I'm grateful for the many volunteers and lay leaders (especially our Parish Council) who make our common life possible. I'm grateful for the provision of the property at 8140 Exchange Dr. and the opportunities we have to grow in mission and ministry there. Above all, I'm grateful to God for the ways He continues to show His kindness and faithfulness in ways great and small as we gather to worship and follow Jesus. By the grace of God and through the Holy Spirit, we have been drawn up into the life of God, and are growing together in the likeness of His Son. For that reason, above all, we say "Thanks Be to God!"

As we round the corner of the church year and begin the season of Advent this Sunday, I hope that you have a sense of God's goodness in your life, and that you have the opportunity to thank Him from whom all blessings flow.

In gratitude,
