Church of the Cross

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A Whole Lot

Hi Church,

There is a lot going on in the life of the church these days, especially with us inhabiting the new property, so there's a lot of important info in this e-news!

First, in keeping with Austin Public Health’s moving of us into Stage 2, masks are now fully optional for worship on Sundays. For our nursery-aged children, volunteers and childcare workers will continue to mask when indoors.  The APH guidelines can be read here. Thanks again for everyone’s grace, flexibility, and patience. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know. 

Second, this coming spring we Coelhos will be going on a scheduled sabbatical. This was originally planned for the Spring of 2020 and is part of a policy our church has reflecting a value for rest and restorative rhythms. Our last Sunday prior to sabbatical will be April 24th. I look forward to sharing more about this in the weeks to come, but for now please read this letter from our Parish Council and this short FAQ. I’m thankful for our community’s care and generosity in this. 

Third, this Sunday we have the privilege of adapting some of our worship and liturgy into Spanish. Father Jonathan Kindberg, whom we prayed for last Sunday, will be guiding us through this “lightly bilingual” time together. For some context on why it is that we are doing this, you can read this document that Fr. Jonathan and Dr. Aida Ramos, a parishioner at COTC, helpfully put together. As someone who does not speak Spanish I’m looking forward to the welcome challenge of this aspect of worship this Sunday. It feels appropriate for Lent, for our moving into the new property more permanently, and reflective of God’s multiethnic and multilingual kingdom! Our worship this Sunday will also include an extended time for worship and prayers for healing and restoration. You might consider and pray now about how the Lord may be inviting you to respond to this opportunity. 

Fourth, this Sunday we’re also hosting a representative of our mission partner in Guatemala, Potter’s House. They’ll share some during announcements and more extensively during a Lunch and Learn following worship. One of the things our mission team is most excited about with this partnership is the possibility of future trips to participate in and learn about what God is doing through this great organization. Sign up to hear more! Lunch and childcare are available. 

Fifth, please a take a minute to complete this surveyWe are currently in the opening and exploratory stages of a capital campaign related to inhabiting our new property. Through our diocese we've connected with a group, Horizons Stewardship, that are helping us in this. I really appreciate Horizons flexible, sensitive, and theologically-minded approach. This campaign relates to our financial responsibilities associated with the purchase and also to our intention of making this property a place of worship, hospitality, prayer, and transformation to God’s glory.  At this stage, your input and feedback, kept in confidence by Horizons, are especially needed. The public phase of this campaign will take place in the fall. God’s provision and generosity have already been evident in a variety of ways and we are looking forward to more of what He has for us in this season. 

Thanks for reading. Signs of God’s grace, even in the midst of difficulty, are all around us. I am deeply grateful and honored to be a part of COTC. May the Lord continue to lead and establish us as a community of faithfulness and fruitfulness for His kingdom. 

In Christ,


Ps. Our men’s and women’s retreats are just a few weeks away. These are great opportunities to build relationship and to draw near to the Lord together. They are also just a lot of fun! The women’s retreat has both overnight and day only options. The men’s retreat will be at Camp Buckner again and will involve at stop Bear King Brewery in Marble Falls. Sign up now!