Church of the Cross

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The Hinge of History

In his book, Five Days in London, historian John Lukas argues that May 24 to 28, 1940 were of decisive importance for the course of World War II and the entire continent of Europe. The shape of the world hung in the balance. 

It's amazing how transformative just a few days can be. This is most true of the days we mark at the end of Holy Week. These days are the hinge of history, uniquely transformative for all time and all of creation. The mysteries we mark and participate in through Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday, and Easter Sunday have significance that we will continue to unpack for the whole of our lives. Over these days my prayer is that the magnitude of all that God has done for us in Christ will be revealed to us in new and deeper ways. 

I hope you can join us for services beginning this evening and continuing through Sunday. The opportunities for worship together are:

  • Maundy Thursday, Tonight at 6:30pm at 8140 Exchange Dr. - Foot-washing and Holy Communion *You might consider wearing slip-off shoes or sandals. There will also be an opportunity to simply worship or prayer with prayer teams. Livestream is available here. The liturgy doc will be available as link in Youtube.

  • Good Friday, Tomorrow at 6:30pm at 8140 Exchange Dr.- This service will involve reflections and response connected to the seven sayings of Jesus from the cross. *This service will not be live-streamed.

  • Easter Sunday - April 17th, 8am and 10am at 8140 Exchange Dr. -The 8am service will be outdoors on the back patio (weather permitting). The 10am service will be indoor and live-streamed. *Wear white if you're able, and bring flowers with which to flower the cross. For the 8am service you can enter through the outdoor staircase at the back of the building.

While we won't gather for Holy Saturday, I would encourage you to take time for quiet on this day. It is a pause as the church remembers that Jesus descended to death, and entered into the stillness of the grave. It is a day of waiting and keeping watch. You might be still and silent, you might pray regarding areas of life where you long to see God move, you might read and meditate upon Psalms 40 or 130, or Hebrews 10:1-25. I look forward to the joining together on Sunday as we exult together over God's triumph in Jesus!

Grace and peace,


Ps. The image above is entitled "The Prodigal Son, The Return" by James Tissot and will feature in our service this evening.