Church of the Cross

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With Grateful Hearts


A mentor of mine once described to me how he experienced a season of dark depression in the 1980s while living in LA. While in this shadowed valley, a counselor of his recommended that he engage in the basic practice of listing ten things he was thankful for every morning. This was at the height of "Fernandomania," a feverish season of LA Dodgers fandom, surrounding the Mexican pitcher, Fernando Valenzuela. My mentor, a very mature and spiritual person, confided in me that at the top of his list most days, for months, was the name Fernando Valenzuela, before the name of his children, his wife, even the gift of salvation in Christ! That anecdote has always stuck with me. Sometimes we need to take the wins and joys where we can find them.

Eastertide is a fifty-day season of joy and celebration. God's victory of sin, death, and evil is so profound that the church allocates a full seven weeks to feast on this reality. This is in addition to every Sunday of the year, when we are intended to celebrate this reality as well.

Much like we do in Lent, be encouraged to take on specific practices for this season; practices of joy, celebration, and resurrection. If there is one basic practice I would commend to you, it is that of thanksgiving. Each day identify a single thing, or series of things, for which you can turn to the Lord in gratitude. As my mentor's story above suggests, these might be the most ordinary seeming or fleeting things. Do so as a way of intentionally pressing into the joy that is ours because of Jesus' resurrection.

As I anticipate this last Sunday before we Coelhos head out on our sabbatical until August, one thing for which I am profoundly grateful is the privilege of serving as rector at COTC. I'm routinely struck by the gift it is to serve such a thoughtful, joyful, and faithful people. Sure, there are days when the going is hard, but in these weeks I have been struck by the delight it is to be among y'all and to serve this community, seeing the drama of sin, redemption, and grace play out in our lives. I'm grateful too to the Parish Council and church for the gift of this time - it is a gracious blessing. Thank you!

With a grateful heart,


Ps. In keeping with the themes of celebration and joy, we are beginning a sermon series through Paul's letter to Christians in Philippi. Over the coming months, COTC clergy and a number of guest preachers will guide us through this text. It's short enough that you might consider reading it a few times over in the coming months.

Pps. Come out to the church building tonight night to celebrate Easter with some dancing! Details below.