Church of the Cross

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Joyfully Back!


It’s been a joy to be back worshipping with you these past weeks.  Serving communion has felt a little like a receiving line as I’ve connected with y’all; it feels like a small taste of the family reunion that the new heavens will be. We had many amazing experiences of worship while on sabbatical, but there is something particularly special for us about singing with the COTC community.

On the topic of the power of singing together, Father David Taylor recently wrote this excellent piece in Christianity Today. Check it out! Also, if you’d like to reconnect or meet up feel free to sign up for my office hours here

A great deal is going on in these weeks as we transition from summer to fall. Please take note of our upcoming Annual Parish Meeting on Sunday, September 18th, following worship. Whether you are formally a member of COTC or not, please join us as we’ll be communicating further about our recent building purchase and the capital campaign. The Parish Council will be sharing about the budget for the upcoming year, as well as putting forward two candidates to join the council. 

The Parish Council has a central role to play in guiding our common life as a church. You can read more about the council's role and responsibilities in our bylaws and constitution here. In summary, the council serves our community by: 

  1. Having full and final authority for all matters related to the facility and finances of COTC;

  2. Conferring with the Rector and Clergy regarding keeping COTC’s ministries in line with COTC’s Core Values, Vision, and Mission;

  3. Providing accountability and support for the Rector and Clergy by exercising their gifts of wisdom, discernment, and counsel;

  4. And leading by example through Christian maturity, stewardship, servanthood, and praying and fasting for the life of COTC.

This fall Sarah Funderburk and Akim Singthao are coming off the council after serving for three years each. For much of their terms, Sarah served as Senior Warden while Akim served as the council’s clerk. It’s been a great joy to work alongside Sarah and Akim, and I’m grateful for the ways they have prayerfully, thoughtfully, and sacrificially served. When you see Sarah and Akim over the coming weeks please take the opportunity to thank them! 

The Council, in conjunction with myself and COTC clergy, are putting forward Lisa Van Allen and Mark Lopez as candidates for the Parish Council. You can read more about Mark and Lisa, respectively, here. I’m grateful for their willingness to serve in this way and am excited about the possibility of them joining the council, which consists of Amanda Hays, Brian Bigelow, and Jon Ingle, with John Porter serving as treasurer. The membership of COTC will have the opportunity to vote on this slate of candidates on the 18th. In the meantime if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Please also be praying for the PC and both the outgoing and potential incoming members! 

In Christ, 
