Church of the Cross

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Guaranteed Gains

It’s now the third week of January, usually that moment when any New Year’s resolutions (often related to physical fitness) either become habit or fall by the wayside. Will that gym membership continue to be put to use? Will that new engagement with food and drink become a part of who we are? 

It was a joy to walk through the Instructed Eucharist with you this past week. 20th century priest Martin Thornton once described participation in the church’s liturgical and corporate worship as an essential component of spiritual fitness for a follower of Jesus. Alongside regularly celebration of the Eucharist, he identified the Daily Office (Morning and Evening Prayer, with Bible reading and written prayers), and what he termed “personal prayer” (extemporaneous  prayer throughout the day) as the squats and deadlifts of the spiritual life in Christ. 

I’ve used Thornton’s language before because I find it so personally compelling. It speaks so powerfully of our need to engage in specific practices so that we might know the presence and voice of the God who loves us, and that we might grow in holiness, love, and perseverance with Jesus. As Dallas Willard once wrote, “Grace is not opposed to effort.” 

At this early stage of the New Year, as our resolutions are tested at this juncture, be encouraged to keep company with Jesus in the ways Thornton suggests. Not to sound too much like a Youtube fitness influencer, but I guarantee you gains! By the power of the Holy Spirit, practices such as these, made accessible in all sortsof ways, will result in growth in grace. 

Important Note: As part of our diocese's ongoing work to foster church culture that honors and protects us all as bearers of God’s image, all church volunteers are required to complete training related to the prevention of sexual harassment. If you volunteer in any capacity at COTC, please use this link to complete this training by the end of January, and let us know you’ve done so by filling out this form. If you have any issues accessing the training, you can reach out to Kimberly. Thanks for your attention to this and feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. 

In Christ, 


Ps. This weekend our Parish Council is meeting for its annual retreat to pray and plan. Please be praying for Jesus to lead us in this time! Our staff also met early this week for a one day retreat. I’m grateful to God for this time and for the group of faithful servants he’s called to work at COTC.