Church of the Cross

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Hello fromh The Garden


This week we asked Briana, our Director of Children's Formation, to write a portion the e-news. Last week we had one hundred children present in The Garden; praise God! Kids are a vital part of COTC as is The Garden and the work that Briana, volunteers, and childcare workers do each Sunday and during the week to prepare. 

Enjoy the update below from Briana and be sure to check out announcements section below. If you've been at COCT for a while and haven't attended a newcomers lunch, don't forget to sign up for the next one on June 11th.


Hello from the Garden! 

Sunday school is a term most of us are likely familiar with. It stemmed from the idea that it is, quite simply, a place a child goes on Sunday to learn. But I’ve started to grow hesitant to call the COTC Garden “Sunday school” because it limits the abundance of life that is coming forth each week. 2-year-olds singing the Doxology. First graders are reciting scripture. Fourth graders are praying together. Households partake in communion together. The kids at COTC come to the Garden to worship God in a way that makes sense to them while also remaining part of our corporate worship.  

If it isn't obvious enough from the glorious chaos that erupts both just before and just after service, we are bursting with children of all ages at COTC. Each Sunday, I have the honor of welcoming parishioners who give me high fives, submit snack ideas, update me on the latest Pokemon, or tell me what they ate for breakfast. Then I hear 6 different classes worshipping, learning, and playing together, led by an incredible group of volunteers. This also means that our classes fill up quickly almost every Sunday, so thank you for your continued grace and flexibility. Pro-tip: arrive early to get kids checked in before service!

I love spending time getting to know the kids in our Garden and look forward to spending a week together this June learning about God’s wondrous creation through Creation Care Camp. If your child hasn’t registered, please do so, as spots are almost full. 

If I haven’t had the chance to meet you, I would love to do so in the coming weeks. And should you too want to join in the glorious chaos of the Garden, let's talk! It's worth it. 

The peace of Christ,
