Church of the Cross

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Weekly News 11.29.24

“How shall I fitly meet Thee,

And give Thee welcome due?

The nations long to greet Thee,

And I would greet Thee too.

O Fount of light shine brightly

Upon my darkened heart,

That I may serve Thee rightly,

And know Thee as Thou art.”

Sometimes referred to as “a little Lent,” the four weeks of Advent are at heart a hopeful, joyful time of preparation as we wait for the redemption of all creation.  In a sense, we, as the church, exist perpetually in a season of Advent, always longing and readying ourselves for Christ’s return.  

In the fourth century, Advent may have been a time of pre-Epiphany baptismal preparation, but we do know that by the seventh century, the four-Sunday Advent season had been established in the masses of the church.  By the tenth century, Christians were marking the first Sunday of Advent as the first Sunday of the liturgical calendar.  

Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas–this year, conveniently, we begin Advent on December 1, 2024, keeping us in sync with the world’s countdown to Christmas.  But in contrast to the hustle and bustle around us, we begin by slowing down, by simplifying or quieting our lives, by fasting and service–all in preparation for the celebration of Christ’s incarnation at the Feast of the Nativity and for the final coming of Christ in glory.  As we wait in the now-and-not-yet of Advent, we offer our hopeful selves to God and embody his love in acts of justice and mercy.

May God bless you and keep you as the shadows deepen and this old year draws to a close.  May God be your light in the darkness.  Come, Jesus, come.  

If you’ve never fully entered into the season of Advent (and even if you have), I’d like to suggest a few simple steps:

  • Slow Down & Simplify: Take your time preparing for Christmastide–December 25 is just the beginning of a twelve day celebration.

  • Fast & Pray: Put something aside (food, media, etc.) to make space for prayer and contemplation. 

  • Serve & Gather: Give, serve, and offer hospitality in a way that is new for you this season.

  • Welcome Quiet: Take the opportunity to join COTC at our Advent Quiet Day (12/14 @ COTC, 9am-2pm, come & go as needed).

There are many resources for those wishing to keep Advent; below are just a few:

Feel free to reach out to me at with questions about Advent and/or the church year.  

-Rev Krista