Church of the Cross

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When Will I See You Again?

Thankfully we can answer that classic question posed by The Three Degrees: “When Will I See You Again?”

Beginning this Sunday (6/23) we return to a single service starting at 10AM. 

Our move to two services has created opportunities for new friends and families to participate in the life of COTC, and we are blessed by those of you who joined us in worship this year.

A special thank you to those of you who have volunteered, laboring to see this new season of life together bear fruit! It goes without saying that our Sunday worship - whether one service or two - is impossible without you. We will resume worshiping in two services on August 25th.

The warp and woof of summer offers the delightful opportunity to gather in one service and see all the faces, some of whom may be entirely new to you. Introduce yourself! And when you ask, “How long have you been worshiping at COTC?” and someone says, “A year! (or more!)” there is no need to be bashful. This is good news, and brings hope into the nooks and crannies of our own journey with Jesus where we need reminding that God has been at work.

As we consider our God at work, we invite you to pray, holding before the Lord the beauty and the pain of our world evidenced in the week past and the week ahead.

First, this past week we celebrated Juneteenth. Juneteenth is a day of liberation and joy, and simultaneously highlights the awful truth that justice and freedom were long denied. In praying, we bear in mind Juneteenth’s historical significance and current relevance, as well as grief for our neighbors’ lives lost and those injured while attending a Juneteenth celebration in Round Rock. Pray for justice and healing: that families receive comfort and care, that God would come quickly to those who are suffering and oppressed, and that He would enliven our participation in pursuing His shalom.

Second, in the coming week we will be hosting our annual Creation Care Camp. “Will you who witness these vows do all in your power to support these persons in their life in Christ?” the celebrant asks us at baptisms. Our congregational response is, “We will!” Creation Care Camp is part of that support, part of that joy and energy-filled nourishment for the children in our community. Pray for beauty and breakthrough: that God’s love for his creation, including them, would be made known afresh.

Grace and peace,


P.S. This Sunday’s gospel passage is John 15:1-11. As you read it, consider: 
What does Jesus' use of the imagery of the vine and branches most mean to communicate? What of that resonates with you? What hallmarks of friendship have characterized your life with Jesus? What hallmarks would you further long for?