Church of the Cross

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Of Searches, Surveys & Self-Denial

Hi COTC Family! 

This e-news has a few important pieces of communication related leadership, present and future, at COTC. Please check them out!

First, from the Rector Search Team:

As a Search Team we are putting together a Parish Profile and Candidate Profile. The hope is that these documents are compelling and truly reflective of the beautiful community of people that is Church of the Cross. This is where all of you come in! We want to hear from you! 

This survey has been thoughtfully put together to help the Search Team in the creation of the Parish and Candidate profiles. Please take time to answer the questions, knowing the information gleaned will help us in the process of finding our next Rector. Please complete the survey by August 9th, this gives the Search Team time to take the information gathered and integrate it into the profiles. The surveys will only be read by the Search Committee and will be kept confidential. Thank you for participating in this process. 

Remember to pray with us on Mondays and to direct any questions about the search for our next rector to the Parish Council.

Second, I am delighted to let you know that Mother Sarah has recently moved to full time in her position as associate priest. Some of you might be surprised that Sarah wasn’t already full time! Sarah will continue to lead COTC’s Neighborhood Groups and community and formation offerings, as well as regularly preaching and providing pastoral support. In the season of transition Sarah will also be overseeing additional staff related to formation (children and youth) and worship. I’m so grateful for Sarah’s presence, her skill as a pastor, and her desire to press further into leadership here at COTC. Please join me in praying for Sarah and her family as she makes this change. 

Third, I am so glad to communicate to you that Bishop Brian Wallace and the Parish Council have made an agreement for +Brian to serve at COTC over the coming months in support of the church following my transition. +Brian will be supporting and providing oversight to Kimberly+ and Sarah+, regularly communicating and meeting with the Parish Council, and guiding our worship as he takes authority of the preaching and celebrating schedule. These responsibilities very much relate to a bishop’s role as the pastor of a diocese but include special attention related to this season of transition between rectors. This agreement is temporary and will be reassessed later in the Fall. Please pray for Brian and his wife, Lisa, as they serve COTC in this way, and don’t be shy about saying “hey” to them on a Sunday!

Yesterday was the Feast of St. James, and the prayer appointed for it joyfully reminded me of so many leaders at COTC. If you get the chance please share an encouraging word with our clergy, staff and lay leaders, we are blessed with a strong and servant-hearted team. Please also join me in praying this collect for present and future leaders at COTC. 

O gracious God, your servant and apostle James was first among the Twelve to suffer martyrdom for the Name of Jesus Christ: Pour out upon the leaders of your Church that spirit of self-denying service, by which they may have true authority among your people; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.  Amen.

In Christ, 


Ps. While August 4th is my final Sunday as rector, this Sunday will be my final sermon as rector. Will be taking a break from the series in John and our Gospel text will be Mathew 28:16-20. This passage, famously known as the "Great Commission," also contains a "Great Claim" and a "Great Comfort." As you look at the passage can you identify what that claim and comfort are? As you read the passage what stirs in your heart? How do you receive Jesus' claim, comfort, and commission? I'm so looking forward to unpacking this further with you all, what a profound privilege!