Church of the Cross

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Tending to What God Has Provided


For nearly twenty years lived in hot places with long, dry summers. I’ve never had much of a green thumb, but even if I did, there aren't many things that grow well in the Sonoran Desert of Phoenix or central Texas in the dead of summer. What I have come to love, though, is caring for the few indoor plants that have homes on our kitchen window and near our patio doors. Tending to living things in slow, intentional ways energizes and nourishes me.

As I mentioned in Sunday’s sermon, themes of endings, transitions, and new beginnings have been on my mind. As I’ve been praying about these themes, the idea of what it is to tend to something keeps coming back to me. I’ve been seeking the Lord's wisdom as I’ve been considering what in my life needs tending to and what needs tending to in the life of COTC. God has provided so much for COTC, so much so that there has been little time to slow down, notice, and tend to what He has provided. As we head into Fall and a season of transitions, rather than giving into the temptation to add programming, come up with new events, etc., I wonder what it would look like to tend to what we already have.

In Scripture, themes of tending and cultivating are first found in Genesis when Adam is tasked with tending to The Garden. Our Good Shepherd tends to us, too, and in Him, there is an invitation to slow down and care for what he has given us.

While it would take a long time to name all the existing areas of COTC, as I've been praying, a few areas have come to my mind:

We are always in need of new volunteers for service, The Garden, and other areas. Serving at the church is a part of how we worship the Lord, and it always us to build deeper connection with others. 

Neighborhood groups start back up in late August/early September. Joining a neighborhood group is a key way to participate in the life of the church, grow in your own formation, and connect with others. 

As Sean shared in last week's e-news we have an amazing building and land that always needs tending to. Stay tuned for upcoming parish work days and other ways you can help us care for the space. 

Participate in the life of COTC. While we won't be adding any first-time events to the calendar this year, there is still a lot happening. We encourage you to stay up to date with what's happening, and even if you lean on the more introverted side, challenge yourself to attend an event or two this Fall. 

Have you checked out our missions board in the sanctuary or looked at our mission partners listed on our website? We invite you to pray for each partner and explore ways you can partner with them in the work they are doing in our city, nation, and world. 

My prayer for each of us in our personal lives and as a Church is that the Lord will draw our hearts and attention to the things around us that need tending. May we be nourished and grow in our love for God and his creation through the practice of tending.

The peace of Christ,


PS- this Sunday, we'll be learning from John 16:16-33. We're looking forward to seeing y'all.