Church of the Cross

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Weekly News | 2.28.25

Hi y’all,

The season of Lent begins on Wednesday, with Ash Wednesday. We hope to see y'all for Ash Wednesday Services— at 12 pm or 7 pm. This year, we’re excited to provide a Lenten Devotional. If you haven’t started thinking about how you’ll engage in the practices of Lent, we encourage y’all to utilize this resource. Lent is a formational time for us as God’s people, and there is something especially significant about engaging in Lent as a community. We hope that many of y'all will journey with us through the use of the devotional. You can access a digital version here. digital version here.  We'll also have printed copies available on Sunday and Ash Wednesday. Please take one printed devotional per household.

Drum roll please….the Parish Council and Rector Search Committee are beyond excited to share that the selection process for the next rector of COTC has come to an end. Be on the lookout this afternoon for a *special email* announcement and video from the Parish Council, Rector Search Committee, and the next Rector of COTC!

Grace and peace!