Church of the Cross

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Welcoming a new staff member

Kelly Brown

Hi Church!
I’m pleased to let you know that we’ve hired a new Parish Administrator at COTC. Kelly Brown has agreed to take the position and began this week. Keri, who has so wonderfully served in this role for the past year, will be continuing on as the church’s Financial Administrator, and will be helping to get Kelly up-to-speed through the month.
Kelly and her husband, Payden, are recent graduates from Texas Tech University and moved to Austin earlier this summer. Originally from Houston, Kelly studied Natural Resource Management and Conservation Science. Both Kelly and Payden have a deep love for the Lord and His church. Like many of us, they are pretty new to worship in an Anglican context, but have family connections to Christ Church. I’m excited for Kelly to serve in this key role. In the weeks to come please give Kelly a warm COTC welcome! Also, as you bump into Keri be sure to thank her for her faithful, excellent and continued service in the life of the church.
Last Sunday, the sermon touched in part on our work: our ordinary, Monday to Friday work, as an integral aspect to our image-bearing of God. For some of us this might be a new idea. We’re not used to seeing our work as essential to God’s mission and renewal of all things. If you’re interested in learning more about this, I wanted to suggest a couple of resources. Books such asKingdom CallingVisions of VocationEvery Good Endeavor and Work Matters are great places to start. Also, the video course ReFrame put out by Regent College and the Washington Institute is another great resource on Gospel implications for the whole of life, including work. The church has a copy of the DVDs if you’re interested! As we heed Jesus’ call to serve our city, our work lives are such a significant part of that. God is at work in your work!
Lastly, please join me in praying for the time of eight people from COTC who are headed down to Houston tomorrow to serve with Missio Dei Anglican church. Please pray for their safety, for them to work and serve in the power of the Holy Spirit, and for this to be a blessing to the people of Houston they interact with and for it to be formative for us as a church. A big thank you to Paul for organizing this trip!
See you Sunday!
In Christ,