Share Your Table Redux

Something happens around the table. When we share a meal and gather together around a dinner table, something happens in our relationships, our guard lowers a bit, we relax, and we are able to enjoy the presence of one another in a deeper and richer way. As a company of disciples walking after Jesus, the table has a special place, a special importance. Our tables are an extension and reflection of the Lord’s table, where we encounter true and lasting hospitality.

Next Friday, October 14, we are again going to gather around our tables throughout the city, for “Share Your Table”. We did this last June and a number of those who participated inquired about doing this again, and others who were unable to participate asked about another opportunity — so here we are!

The premise is simple: we will gather for a meal in homes around the city. You can sign up to host a meal or to be a guest; everyone will contribute by bringing something for the meal. This is way for us to practice hospitality "in house," deepen our own bonds and simply have fun together! Through the shared meal and conversation together we are leaning into the reality that we are the household of God, a company together following the risen Lord. So sign up, and share your table!

In Christ,

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