volunteer at COTC

As a growing parish, we are always in need of volunteers. We encourage those who call Church of the Cross their home church to invest in the life of the church outside of attending service on Sunday and volunteering is one way we can do this.

See below for volunteer areas and then complete this form if you’re interested in serving.

Please note: indicating interest does not mean you are signing up today to serve. Our ministry leaders will be in touch with you for next steps.

HOSPITALITY current need, 2 volunteers
The hospitality team sets up coffee, tea, water, and snacks before service. They also replenish refreshments as needed during the service.

Those serving at the 9 a.m. service arrive 40 minutes before service and help with some of the transition to the 11 a.m. service. Those serving at the 11 a.m. arrive 30 minutes before service and stay after service to cleanup.

GREETERS current need, 2 volunteers
Greeters welcome guests as they arrive on Sunday. Greeters hand out bulletins and pay special attention to first-time visitors, connecting with them during and after service.

Greeters arrive 25 minutes before service. 

This is our slides team. The primary way to serve in this role is running slides during service.

Arrive 10-15 minutes before service to run through slides and help with some of the transition in-between services, as needed.

ALTAR GUILD current need, 2 volunteers
The altar guild sets up the altar before service and sets the elements out in preparation for the Eucharist.

Serving on this team requires you to arrive 30 minutes before service and you will need to stay for cleanup after service.

USHERS current need, 4 volunteers
Ushers take the collection during service and dismiss people by row during communion. Users also help people find seats as they arrive. This role is done entirely during the service and does not require to arrive early or stay late.

The celebrations team helps with larger COTC events (i.e. Parish Retreat, Pentecost Potluck, etc). Team members help with planning and needs the day of such as setup, teardown, etc.

THE GARDEN current need, 4 volunteers (specifically in elementary classes)
Serve as teachers for infants through 6th graders during service.

Musicians and singers help with the music during the liturgy. This role includes a rehearsal prior to the liturgy. The commitment can increase or decrease depending on your schedule.