Mission on Our Doorstep

Next week our extended family of churches, the Anglican Church of North America (ACNA), will be holding its Provincial Assembly. As a province in the Anglican Communion, the ACNA holds an assembly every three years as an opportunity for members from dioceses and churches throughout the US, Mexico, and Canada to connect with one another, worship together, and be mobilized together in fulfilling the church’s mission. The theme of this year’s assembly is “Mission On Our Doorstep,” with an emphasis upon local participation in God’s mission. Specific topics will include multiethnic ministry, musical worship in a liturgical context, and church planting — all with an eye to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in North America.

Reading through the list of speakers and topics, I’m grateful for the breadth and diversity representing both those in the ACNA and those who are partners and friends, all sharing in a commitment to Jesus and His church. It also bums me out that I won’t be attending this year, but I didn’t want to be away from family more this month. However, I’m grateful that Paul and Andrew will be representing COTC next week at the assembly and getting a further taste of the ACNA; I’m eager to hear their report back. Please pray with me for Paul and Andrew and their families while they are away and in praying for the assembly. I love the theme for this year’s assembly and am excited for how the Lord might use this weekend to catalyze the ACNA and even COTC further in participation with God’s renewal of all things.

Just in closing, I wanted to remind y’all to sign up for our Lunch and Learn this Sunday. We will be doing a “Liturgy Tour” explaining why we worship in the way we do and there will be an opportunity to ask all sorts of questions. I hope to see you there!

On mission with you and Christ,  


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