We are becoming a people transformed into the image of Christ. A J-Term (or January-Term) provides space for us to engage areas where we long to see God’s transformation.
Select a course, and you will meet with others at the church building over that topic for 4 Thursdays in January (7-8:15PM), and then all J-Terms join together to pray Compline in the sanctuary (8:15-8:30PM). Because J-Terms represent more of a “sprint” in our life together, there are expectations of weekly readings and a commitment to be present.
Details of each course are below, including any special notes! Childcare will not be provided. Please register for only one course.—REGISTER HERE!
COTC Essentials Class
Led by Staff Clergy
Are you newer to COTC or looking to take next steps into the community? Join others on the same journey for the COTC Essentials course where we’ll explore the fundamentals of COTC's convictions, vision, and values. This course is a prerequisite for membership.
Living the Liturgical Year
Led by Krista Vossler & Blake Mathews
The rhythms of the liturgical year are rich with opportunities for fasts, feasts, and spiritual formation. Here we'll be discussing ways to keep company with Jesus as we journey together through the church calendar. Each week, we'll observe a practice from the season being studied and then hear a brief history of that season of the church. Sessions will conclude with a buffet of ideas and resources for marking and celebrating these liturgical seasons in your own homes and with others.
Love of God & Neighbor
Led by Rev. Kimberly Deckel & COTCers
In our recent parish survey, one of the most common desires named was to grow in mission. Recognizing that for some there is a need to rebuild trust and clarify what missions is, we will explore the mission of God and our mission as His people, learn from a panel of COTCers about their experiences and knowledge with missions, explore the connection between faith and work, and hear from our missions team about ways to engage with our mission partners locally and globally.
Note: There will be brief readings or other resources provided before each session. Following the complete of J-term there will be an invitation to further engage in mission as a group.
Architecting Life Around God
Led by Rob Bergman
Our lives often feel full, chaotic, noisy, disordered, purposeless, or empty. How do we bring the Kingdom of Heaven, and God's loving presence into each part of our life? How do we live with intention to truly love the Lord with all our heart, mind, and strength? In this J-Term we will explore ancient practices and how we architect our entire life around the love of God to live freely and lightly.---
Questions? Reach out to Sarah