From Advent to Christmas

I hope you had a wonderful time in your neighborhood groups this past Sunday. It was great to be together in homes and in our communities. I am, however, so looking forward to spending this next Sunday, the last before Christmas, together. It is rich to be together for worship. As we move toward the end of Advent and the beginning of 2016, I wanted to highlight two things:

  • Quiet Day – As we approach the end of Advent let’s take every opportunity we have to be still and wait upon the Lord. As a people, as a new church plant, we need to be listening for Jesus’ voice and stilling ourselves in His presence. One way we can do this corporately is at our Parish Quiet Day this Saturday. See here for details. 
  • Pledge Cards – Thank you for submitting your pledges for COTC during worship on Dec. 6! I’m so floored by your generosity, and so encouraged by what God is doing among us. Please join in my prayer that our giving would be used to the glory of God and to His end for COTC. We are near to meeting our goal for internal giving for year one as a church plant! If you were unable to submit a card on the sixth, we’ll have several more cards this week and you can submit them during the offering. Also, all year-end contributions must be post-marked or received by Dec. 31 in order to be eligible for a 2015 tax receipt. COTC’s mailing address is: PO Box 302797 Austin, TX 78703

See you soon!
In Christ,

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