Church of the Cross

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Happy (Continued) Christmas

Today is the sixth day of the Christmas season! The union between God and humanity in Jesus Christ is such a profound mystery that the church devotes not one, but twelve days in its calendar to focusing upon it. During these twelve days, the death of the infant boys in Bethlehem is marked (The Holy Innocents), serving as a reminder that Jesus entered into our broken world, the world of Aleppos and child morality, bringing justice and renewal. Additionally, this coming Sunday, January 1st, the church calendar marks out the giving of Jesus’ name, Joshua, meaning “the Lord Saves”; in him we are saved from our sins, from evil, and from death.
This Sunday, of course, also marks the beginning of 2017. This is the final e-news of 2016, what a year it has been! God’s goodness has been evident in so many different ways in the life of COTC. Thank you for being a part of that goodness. I am regularly amazed at God’s faithfulness as expressed through your service, your generosity, and your willingness to follow Jesus on the way of the cross. I am also so deeply looking forward to all that God has in store in the year to come. Would you please join me in thanksgiving to God and in prayer for more of His goodness among and through us in the year to come?
These strands, Christmastide, the naming of Jesus, and the beginning of a new year will all come together for us this Sunday. During worship we will have a traditional service of Lessons and Carols, recounting the story of God’s salvation through nine Scripture readings and nine Christmas carols. Then, Sunday afternoon, we’ll be gathering for a celebration at the Ingles' home - see details below, feel free to drop by and to bring a friend!
With much gratitude to God,