In Good Company

This week, I've had the honor and privilege of gathering with others from our diocese, Churches for the Sake of Others, at our annual clergy retreat. This has been a great time of meeting with others from literally around the country, hearing of what God is doing in and among our family of churches, celebrating new ordinations, and learning together. We are in such good company! Our diocese is filled with churches that are doing faithful and creative work in proclaiming the Gospel and responding to the Spirit’s leading.
One of the main blessings for me has been sharing with others about what God has been doing at COTC in the last two months. People are so encouraged to hear of our experiences and are cheering us on as we continue to launch a Gospel community. It has been encouraging to hear the responses of others as they celebrate God’s goodness with us. I’ve bragged about y’all and the way we are being knit together and serving one another!
It has also been so fun and rich to hear from other churches and priests who are a little farther down the road. God has been so good; there is such a sense of momentum and hopefulness, even in the face of very real challenges. I’m so looking forward to all that God has in store for us, and to seeing you on Sunday!
In Christ,

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