O Death, I will be your death; O Grave, I will be your destruction.

The church exists because of Jesus’ resurrection. Without the resurrection there is no faith and no church. The church exists because of Easter.

This weekend is a big one in the life of Church of the Cross. It is our first opportunity to celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and to rejoice in the hope it gives us. It is also our first opportunity as a new community to mark His suffering and brokenness on the cross. We get to the celebration of Sunday by passing through Friday and all that it holds. There is no resurrection without suffering and death; our hope is in following Jesus on the way of the cross. We do this together.

This evening, as we gather for and mark Good Friday, we will hear from members of our community. They will each share, reflecting on Jesus’ experience on the cross and upon their own experiences of brokenness redeemed. These stories are sacred and powerful. Through these reflections, we come to know one another more and come to know Jesus more as we see Him through others on the way. My sense is that in these early stages of our life as a church, moments like this evening are instrumental in knitting us together as a people who share one another’s burdens, looking together toward the hope of the resurrection.

I hope to see you tonight, and to celebrate with you on Sunday.

In the hope of resurrection,

Peter +

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