One of the themes of our journey through Revelation has been the holistic nature of what God is doing through Jesus. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is good news in every sphere of life. By the same power that rose Jesus from the dead, all things are being made new; God is healing the whole of creation. This Sunday, we will look at a passage from one of the final chapters of John’s apocalyptic and focus on God’s intention and power to restore.
With this in mind, we will devote a part of our liturgy to specifically asking God for healing and restoration in our lives and in the lives of others. In the midst of the liturgy, there will be an opportunity to respond corporately and also to pray with others personally for specific needs.
I hope you can join us this Sunday, and I encourage you to bring any need for healing—whether it is physical or relational, mental or spiritual—to God in faith. As we do this together as the church, in the power of the Holy Spirit, I’m eager for the ways the Lord will meet us.
Whatever the brokenness, whether a disease, or anxiety, or a broken relationship, it is God’s desire to restore it. He’s making all things new!
In Christ,
Peter +

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