Happy Friday COTC!

As we continue through the season of Easter, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus, I’m excited to be able to look at the book of Revelation together! Often misunderstood and even frightening for some, the words of this book are actually a deep encouragement and comfort to a people on the way of the cross. Through his letter, the writer, John, invites us to see that Jesus is truly at the center of all things, is truly in charge and is truly victorious. I need to see this truth more fully!

As we seek to faithfully live into our values of celebration, consolation, transformation and participation, we need to see and know the truth of Revelation more fully. I hope you can join us for the sermons this season, or listen to the recordings online.

One of the ways we can grow to “see” the truth more clearly is by attending to the words of Scripture. As we read the story of what God has done in the Bible, we grow in a “scriptural imagination,” seeing all things in relation to His gracious, creative, reconciling and restorative work. Of late, one of the ways I’ve been attending to Scripture is through this app from the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible and based on a schedule of readings found in the Book of Common Prayer. It is a wonderful and easy means of accessing the story of Scripture, I commend it to you and encourage you to make the reading of the Bible a normal part of your daily life.

As we “read, mark and inwardly digest” the words of Scripture, may the Holy Spirit give us imaginations that are saturated in Scripture and eyes to see all things in relation to God and Jesus.

In Christ,


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