Church of the Cross

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Can God Be Trusted?

Can God be trusted? That is the question that so many of us face when we encounter suffering. All of us look at the world and its brokenness and grapple with the problem of evil and suffering. As we come up against these realities in the world, and even in our own lives, crises of health or finance, disappointments and rejections, the question of God’s goodness toward us becomes acute. Is the God we meet in Genesis, who works for the good, real and true? To be trusted in the way we meet Him in those pages? 

These are questions that all of us wrestle with. Yet, the questions prompted by our suffering, and the nature of our suffering itself, are often things we don’t address. When it comes to growing as disciples the topic of suffering and questioning God is often avoided. 

This avoidance is especially costly. Not only does it involve a denial of reality, but it leads us away from the formative power of engaging with our suffering and even the questions it prompts. God works in the midst of our suffering, works for our good, making us more like Christ (Romans 8:28). 

In Christ,
