Church of the Cross

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Announcing the Reign of God

Hi Church,

One of the most formative images of the church for us at COTC has been that of the embassy. We’ve talked a great deal about the local church as a place where the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news of God’s kingdom, is embody, announced, and demonstrated. As an embassy of God’s kingdom, we long to be a community where, when people enter in, they taste and experience the flavor and culture of God’s reign. 

An implication of the church’s identity as an embassy is that, as members of the church, we are called to an ambassadorial role. As members of the embassy we serve a diplomatic function, representing our King and carrying forward the message of the kingdom to those who have not yet heard or received it. This is the work of announcing. As followers of Jesus each of us is called to proclaim the good news of the kingdom, just as He did. If this is news is a good as we declare it to be each Sunday, how can we keep it to ourselves? 

The task of announcing, actually articulating the good news, is a joyful one, but also one that can be difficult and daunting for us. How do we speak of Jesus well? How do we articulate the message of the kingdom in meaningful and compelling ways to our family and friends, neighbors and co-workers? If you’re anything like me, these are questions that can hinder your participation with Jesus in announcing the good news. 

I’m excited that this Sunday, following the service, we’ll have an opportunity to press into some of these questions and to be further equipped for this good work. Several members of our church who serve with Intervarsity, a campus minister that does much good work in communicating the Gospel, will lead us in a Lunch and Learn on “Spiritual Conversations." We will focus on how we might meaningfully and respectfully love our neighbors by engaging in conversation with them about the life-transforming and earth-renewing good news of God’s kingdom. Whether a total novice and intimidated or an old-hand at this joyful work, I hope you’ll be able to join us, more details are below, and you can RSVP for food and childcare. 

In Christ,


Ps. If you’re planning on participating with the Lenten Meditation this Saturday, including the trip to the Blanton, please sign up today! Details are below. 

Pps. Related to the topic and image above, these videos, related to James Choung's book are a great resource on how to communicate the Gospel. Additionally, this short article about mission from a group connected to our diocese is good. Finally, this podcast on hospitality relates to our vocation as an embassy.