Incarnational Parenting
This past Sunday we had the joy and privilege of worshipping alongside seventy-something children. What a gift! The presence of so many children among us is a joy and delight. It’s also a responsibility. Part of our calling as a church, the household of God, is the raising up of children in the knowledge of God and His Gospel. This is holy and important work.
Next week, September 28th and 29th, we have the opportunity of growing our vision and capacity for this work. COTC is hosting a parenting workshop led by counselor Gene Kummerer. Gene is a wise and gracious parent himself, as well as someone who has served in close quarters with families in all manner of situations. He brings a wealth of experience, a deep love for Jesus, and for families.
Gene has titled this time “Incarnational Parenting: Applying the Gospel to the Everyday Practicalities of Parenting” with specific topics being “Entering Your Child's World,” “Sin and Grace: Incorporating the Gospel into Your Daily Parenting,” and “Keep Your Feet Moving": Staying Flexible and Getting ‘Unstuck’”. Please register here by the 26th. Feel free to pass word to anyone you know who might benefit.
I also wanted to let you know that Elliot Lee, a longtime member of the COTC community has begun an internship this month and will be serving in several ways in the coming year. Elliot has studied at Gordon Conwell seminary and has a particular passion for authentic community, especially among those who suffer. Please keep Elliot in your prayers in the months ahead!
In Christ,
Ps. This Saturday, Hope Clinic is hosting a nutrition class from 10am to noon at the Parish House. There is a need for someone with the ability to translate into Spanish for the class. If you are available or know of anyone who is please email me. Also, please pray for this to be fruitful time and for those using our space to have a sense of Christ's love, what a privilege to have the house used for this!