A Holy Week Like No Other

Hi Church!

I was talking with a fellow priest earlier this week who commented that “no one would actively choose to stress-test the strength and health of church by ceasing to meet for a season.” Very true! Yet as we pass through these strange and uncertain days I wanted to communicate to all of you how grateful I am for our community. I am specifically grateful for how you have persevered as the church in this time.

Each day of the past three weeks I have witnessed examples of generosity, care, and faith on display. Thank you to those of you who have contributed to our Good Neighbor Fund. Thank you to those who have reached out consistently to one another, making sure that others are aware of their integral place in the body of Christ. Thank you to those of you who have shared vulnerably and with courage about your needs or fears, for allowing us to together bear your burdens. Thank you to those of you who are faithfully praying. I am grateful to God for the ways He continues His good work in and among us even in this time. Let’s keep it up!

We are about to enter the highest of weeks in the church year. Beginning this Sunday, Palm Sunday, we will be in Holy Week. Under normal circumstances this week would be rich with physical gatherings as we walk in real time with Jesus to the cross. Obviously this is will be different, a Holy Week like no other. Yet, I am excited for the ways we can still enter into this week and journey with Jesus.

This Saturday, our staff will be delivering to COTC homes “Holy Week Gift Bags.” In these basic bags, which will be left on your doorstep, you will have some specific supplies for the week of services ahead. We are planning to deliver to these homes (if you live in an apartment we’ll plan to call or text to make sure we can leave the bag in the right place), if you are not on the linked list, live in the Austin area, and would like to included please let us know. Additionally, if you’re on that list but don’t want to be included also let us know.

In the bags you’ll find palm fronds for Palm Sunday, a recipe for our altar bread for Maundy Thursday, a candle for Good Friday, and some tools of celebration for Easter Sunday. Additionally, you’ll find a Holy Week booklet with the liturgy, readings, and songs for each of these services. Our hope is that these bags will be a tangible means of participating with us in worship, and a small token of care in this season. See below for specific days and times for our services. More complete instructions will be include in the gift bag.

I hope you can fully participate in this rich week of worship. I hope too that you extend an invite to someone beyond our community. There’s never been an easier time to invite someone to church, or an easier way to check out a church.

Even as this is not the celebration we would have chosen, I am grateful for the ways we can connect and mark these profound truths of the Gospel. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Ready to worship with you,


Ps. Thanks for your patience as we navigate the technical issues of live streaming. We’ve been able to increase our internet capacity at the Parish House and hope that the live steam will be clean and clear this week! In the unlikely event that we have issues again this Sunday we’ll plan to stop the live-stream, and post a recorded version of the service early in the afternoon.

PPs. Sarah Robinson, our new Director Children’s Formation began this week. Shoot her an email introducing yourself and to encourage her! As well, you can expect an email next week from her with kid’s Holy Week resources.

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