Kimberly Deckel
Executive Pastor
Kimberly and her family recently moved to Austin from Phoenix, Arizona. After completing her education in social work at the University of Missouri, Kimberly relocated to Phoenix, where she met her husband Steve. Before transitioning into full time ministry, Kimberly worked in the field of social work for over a decade serving as therapist, hospice social worker, and working in foster care and adoptions. She completed her MA in Missional Theology through the Missional Training Center and served as a priest and church planter in Phoenix, as well as the director of operations for Surge Network. Kimberly and Steve have a nine year old daughter, Keenan, and they enjoy movies, the outdoors, the arts, and good food.

Sarah Smith
Associate Priest
Sarah has been in Austin since 2006, serving first with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at the University of Texas and later as a pastor at Christ Church. She met her husband Drew while earning her B.A. in Mathematics at Trinity University, and she completed her Masters in Theology and Ministry just before the birth of their third child in 2017. Sarah is passionate about Scripture, laughter, and attending to God’s Spirit at work.

Brian Wallace
Suffragan Bishop of The Diocese of C4SO
The Rt. Rev. Dr. Brian Wallace is the Suffragan Bishop of The Diocese of Churches for the Sake of Others. From 2015 to September 2023, he was executive director of the Fuller Center for Spiritual Formation. Brian holds a doctorate in missiology from Fuller Seminary. Prior to serving at Fuller, Brian spent 11 years as a pastor in Austin, Texas (where he still lives), and 19 years with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, largely as regional director for Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas, leading teams of staff and students in the work of establishing witnessing communities of Christ-followers on campuses across the region. Fuller Formation Groups were born out of Brian’s doctoral research and extensive years of church and ministry leadership. Brian has been married to his wife, Lisa, since 1985 and they joyfully celebrate their family of three sons, three daughters-in-law and now five grandchildren. Brian is an avid Red Sox fan, coffee drinker and music lover.

Krista Vossler
Deacon, Intermin Director of Music
A transplant from the East Coast by way of China, Krista arrived in Houston in 2003, where she met and married her husband Blake Mathews. She’s been tending to her music, her community, and her children in Texas ever since. After eight years of lay leadership at Christ Church Austin, the Vossler-Mathews joined the core team that planted Church of the Cross. Krista spent 18 months as an interim director of music at COTC before stepping down to focus on homeschooling her two children (Lucy and Casimir). Currently in the process of becoming ordained as a deacon in ACNA and once again an interim worship leader, she spends much of her time teaching, listening, reading, writing, baking, walking, and tinkering with setlists for Anglican worship.

David Taylor
David Taylor is a theologian, author, speaker, priest, and director of initiatives in art and faith. A professor at Fuller Theological Seminary, he has lectured widely on the arts, from Thailand to South Africa. He has written for The Washington Post, Image Journal, Theology Today, Worship, Religion News Service, Christianity Today, and Books & Culture, among others. He is married to Phaedra, a visual artist and gardener, and you can see his daughter Blythe and son Sebastian at church on Sundays!

Jonathan Kindberg
Jonathan was born in Perú and spent his childhood in Chile, Panama and Kentucky. Jonathan served for 12+ years in the Chicago area leading and helping start Latino Anglican churches before moving to Austin in December of 2021. He currently is helping start a Diaspora Network within our diocese (C4S0) and a Diaspora Ministry Team at Church of the Cross. He also attends our sister church Hope Community Church, a multiethnic church which meets 6 minutes from COTC and is seeking to deepen the partnership between these two congregations. Jonathan is passionate about racial reconciliation, justice and the beautiful global familia of Christ. Jonathan speaks Spanish, Portuguese and some Arabic and loves salsa dancing and soccer.

Briana Hayes
Director of Children’s Formation
Briana is a transplant from California, born and raised in San Diego. After graduating from Westmont College in Santa Barbara in 2014, it was time to head out to Austin where her husband, Calum, had gotten a job. One bite of brisket later, she knew it was the right place. Briana was heavily involved in children’s ministry at her home church, which evolved into opportunities like working as a camp counselor, teaching and leading in summer VBS, and running a preteen ministry on Sunday nights. While children’s ministry is her passion, her favorite kiddos are her two young girls, Maggie and Cora, who are both “pandemic babies". While she has always appreciates God’s glorious creation, Briana considers herself an avid indoorsman and enjoys thrifing, The Office, and spending time with friends.

Kellie Lewis
Parish Administrator
Kellie was born and raised in East Texas. She grew up with a tight-knit family and being involved in church, which set a precedent for her later life. She graduated from Texas A&M in 2004 with a degree in communications, and while still in school, she launched her own small clothing line, Material. After graduation, she opened a store front right near campus. As the business has grown and changed over the years, she continues to create new pieces for the ever changing needs of her customers.
After moving to Austin in 2010 and later starting a family, Kellie's kids Nora and Owen have helped shape her career and skillset. Through these experiences she has honed an array of skills over the years that she puts to use as Parish Administrator.

Reid Langehennig
Director of Student Ministry
Reid was born and raised in Austin and has only lived apart from this city for his four years of undergraduate studies at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. He returned to Austin to work as a youth pastor for a mobile church before finding his way to Church of the Cross. He has two kids, Audrey and Hank, who help him stay goofy and on his toes!
Reid holds a MA in Biblical Studies from Moody Theological Seminary and a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary.
When he is not working at COTC, Reid works as a hospital chaplain for a hospital system all around Austin.

Sean James
Facilities Director
Sean moved to Austin in 2016 after completing his undergraduate degree in Los Angeles, CA, and getting married to his wife, Casey. Sean has served abroad and domestically in missions ministry, spending time primarily in Port-Au-Prince, Haiti. His time in Haiti was focused on national church planting and community development work. More recently, Sean has been working in the property management and short-term rental market since 2021 and enjoys problem-solving and getting to work with his hands. Sean and Casey have two sons, Wyatt and Owen. Sean loves woodworking, wrestling with his boys, watching hockey, and getting outside as much as the hot Austin weather allows.

Krysta Pittman
Financial Administrator
Krysta lives in Forest City, NC, and joined the COTC team in May 2024. She started her journey in higher education at Campbell University, where she ultimately earned a Masters of Divinity. She has served various churches as children’s director, pastoral associate, office manager, communications director, and communications specialist. Krysta is currently pursuing a graduate certificate in financial planning. She met her husband, Josh, at Campbell, and together they have two children: Elijah and Nicholas. Elijah, 9, uses his quick mind to memorize all things Transformers. Nicholas, 1, enjoys giving adults heart attacks by intentionally falling over backward.

Alex Romo
Service & Volunteer Coordinator
Alex was born and raised in San Antonio but has called Austin home for over a decade. She has been a part of Church of the Cross for two years and serves as the Service and Volunteer Coordinator, helping to organize and support Sunday services. She earned her BBA in Marketing from the University of Texas at Austin and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy at Baylor University.
When she’s not at church, you can often find her at the Alamo Drafthouse with her husband, Jon, or exploring Walnut Creek with her dog, Oxford. Coming from a large and loud Latino family, she is passionate about creating a welcoming, home-like atmosphere in the church—whether through acts of service or opening her home to others. She finds the deepest connection to God’s church and people through the work of her hands, helping to make COTC a soft place to land for all who walk through its doors.