The Next Step
Hi Church!
This past Sunday was a significant one in the life of our community as we voted by a large majority to approve our purchase offer of the property at 5701 Cameron Road. I am excited!
I want to thank everyone who participated in the vote on Sunday, including those who couldn’t be there but communicated their support, and also the minority who voted against the motion. I’m grateful that we have a community where people feel comfortable to express their opinions on these matters, that takes courage, and also requires a context of safety and intimacy. Disagreements can be difficult, but as we follow Jesus, discern His leading, they are going to arise and what we share is an identity in Christ (in Him we are one people), and not uniformity of thought on every matter. Understanding and living into this reality is a growth area for me, but I am convinced of its truth.
Now that the vote is behind us discussions will continue behind the scenes with Messiah Lutheran and various attorneys as we finalize getting the property under contract. From there we will enter an option period where various inspections will be completed. This will mostly be behind view, but we will update the congregation and plan to have an information meeting in the New Year regarding our findings and any other more detailed questions about the purchase. Of course, you can contact myself, members of the Parish Council, or email at any time with questions and concerns.
This Sunday is the next important step - in worship we will have an opportunity to bring forward pledges and offerings for the property purchase. There will be pledge cards available this Sunday. Again, our need is for $50,000 by December 31st, with anything above that going toward future property costs. Thank you to those who have already given and pledged! It has been exciting to see the way y’all are responding to a sense of the Lord’s leading. As a community we were born through sacrificial, faith-filled generosity and it is very gratifying to see that on display in our common life. If you plan to submit your contribution to the property through Sunday offerings please be sure to designate the check or envelope toward the “New Property” or “5701 Cameron Road” You can also give online here at anytime (designate the gift for “New Property”).
Lastly, as we approach Christmas and with everything uniquely going on in the life of our community we might lose site of the fact that it is Advent. As a season of waiting before God, of stilling and quieting ourselves. This Saturday morning at the Parish House there is an opportunity to “press pause” and do some of this with our Parish Quiet Day. We’ve historically done these every Lent and Advent. This day is an opportunity to come any time from 9am to noon (or for the whole time), to pray, to be quiet, to write, to read, to rest, and to listen. The morning will have a few corporate practices (led by Chris Wright and our prayer team) but most of the time will be devoted toward being alone in the presence of God. One of my favorite things on these days has been to prayer walk through the Windsor Park neighborhood. Come out some time during that morning! There will be light snacks and refreshments available.
Grateful for each of you,