
The Collect for Good Friday is simple and refreshingly short. As we begin to rehearse two-act drama which saved humankind, we ask God to “graciously behold this your family.”  It is a preparatory prayer. And it is fitting. No two days are more important for our lives than Good Friday and Easter. Nothing is more important for us to make our own.
I want to recommend one particular resource to help you fix your attention on this “one thing necessary.” A few years ago, some friends of friends recommended I check out Golgotha – a musical gloss on the ‘Stations of the Cross’ tradition that combines art, original music, the reading of Scripture and guided prayer to help people better understand Jesus’ Passion. Each of the fourteen songs are taken directly from the Bible’s portrayal of this event. Many of my favorites explore less prominent characters in the story (e.g. Simon of Cyrene, the wife of Pilate, the criminals who died alongside Jesus).
You can listen to Golgotha like you would any other album. Or you can watch a full live performance. Better yet, you can take an hour to watch/listen to the whole thing in one sitting with your Bible open so you can read the passages being described in the songs.
More than the written word, music can get “stuck in your head” and create a cry in your heart. I hope Golgotha helps you experience the darkness of Good Friday and the shining light of Easter Sunday.

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